Cancorps Sustainability Philosophy

Just being Green is not enough!

At Cancorps, we hold ourselves accountable for the sustainability and stewardship of the community and the environment in everything we do. We believe in our responsibility to the well-being of future generations. We think beyond the immediate impacts of our projects to the communities they serve, the ecosystems they impact, and the social benefits they provide. We employ Green Initiatives on all of our projects. We strive to minimize any potential negative impacts of any operations through extensive planning and creative thinking.

Family is of critical importance to our company. We are family-oriented, and as such, we encourage and support the health and well-being of both our employees and their families. We implore all employees to live strong, healthy, and well-balanced lifestyles. Our commitment to health and fitness extends to the support of corporate and community teams and healthy community initiatives.

Concorps is socially responsible and believes in giving back to the community. We take pride in being a strong, unwavering supporter of the Children Of War Foundation and numerous charitable organizations and work to inspire our employees as well as other members of our community and industry to provide their support.